Trying to wrap some things up here before the new year. There are just three WIPs. Yes, just three. One on the loom (leno scarves), one on the needles (Christmas stocking - hey! It's early for NEXT year!), and one on the hook (Moorish Mosaic Afghan, yes, still, started it in October of 2009).
I suppose to be truly forthcoming I need to mention that there is one small project in hibernation, and this count does not include any of the mending, sewing, or stitching projects that are in various stages, or the house and yard projects that are somewhere between start and checking it off the list. I do not have a final tally for 2010, but I do know that there was a net decrease in stash. I did add a little fiber so I have something to spin on my new wheel! I guess I need to start tracking that by weight so I can monitor myself and attempt to keep it under control.
Temperatures in North Texas have been all over this place this month. It was nice to have the windows open, and you can see the cats fully enjoyed it as well. Unfortunately the screen really messes up the picture.
Norton decided he was going to help with some of the fiber projects. I'm still looking for my mini snowman he knocked off the shelf.